Welcome to TheSb4Server!
We see that you actually clicked the link!
We're so glad that you're here! We hope you enjoy being a part of TheSb4Server.
Before you try out the server, here are some things you need to know:
- Remember to check everything that's under the pre-join category before you participate in the server!
- After that, maybe you can check out the stuff in the post-join category!
- Sometimes, there will be music playing in the 24/7 ncs music stage under the music category. You may have to wait several seconds before the music actually starts playing...
- Every once in a great while, Sb4bot will be online! To see the commands, send Sb4bot.help in a channel.
- If you don't know how Fredboat works, just join the fredboat channel under the music category and find a song to play!
- Try to make new friends! I don't think it's that hard, right?
But most importantly, have fun!